Please Please Please leave comments and feedback for me on my Facebook if you can't do it on this page. You can leave comments for me if you are on a computer- but not by smartphone, which is really stupid in my opinion. I am trying to resolve the issue, but not having any luck thus far.
In other news...Coming to a webpage near you, Momology! Elizabeth Schichtel and I are taking her amazing creations from Cheeky Bunz Diapers and adding new, original, and beautiful handmade cuddly baby things to a line of mama products and luxuries. Check out Liz's, her Etsy shop of the same name, and please like her on Facebook! She is so so talented, and I am really stoked about the opportunity to create for a living while learning from a master seamstress.
In other news...The other night I watched Benjamin play until he dropped, exhausted, on his uncle's lap. Peter went to bed at 7, but then woke up at ten and rejoined the party. They were both up at 7am. I don't understand how this works. It is a truth about babies and young children that however late they stay up and however rough a night they have, they will be bright eyed and bushy tailed at least 2 hours before you are ready to drag your butt out of bed. I have yet to meet the toddler that isn't a morning person. While its maddening and exhausting, there's a certain beauty to it. Every day, regardless of how the night before went, Benjamin and Peter are excited to greet us and the day. Eager to reconnect with their world, they walk around the house smiling at their toys, their milk cup, their tv program, their high chair, their parents. They fuss at getting their diapers changed as if to say 'hurry UP I have LIFE to live and WONDERS to explore and you are holding me UP!'
Meanwhile, after they are changed, fed, and my coffee is ready, I curl up on the floor in my bathrobe, watching a Golden Girls marathon, clutching my coffee mug and wondering if I'd had too much wine the night before. The boys played, oblivious to my discomfort of course, and we had a really pleasant morning followed by more vegging during the Super Bowl. The game was pretty exciting, but I wasn't uber impressed by the commercials. Let's face it, I really didn't get to watch it. Oh well.
Benjamin just walked up to me and started singing 'I will Wait I will wait for you'. Shout out to Mumford and Sons.
If you check out my Facebook page you can see Benjamin singing for yourself- Not sure when this became the new song around my house, but my little guy has some strong music preferences!
OK, trying to comment on a regular computer this time! Kimbug here: I love your perspective on how they are thrilled to begin a new day! We could learn something from that, couldn't we?! And you're right- they wake up early no matter what! Nathan has a little of his mom in him when it comes to mornings- he usually likes to curl up in the blankets and pillows of our playroom and watch one of his shows when he first wakes up. If we give him a sippy of milk, he'll leave us alone for a good 20 minutes or more, so I can keep snoozing! At 7am Abby was rocking out to One Direction and practicing writing the months on her new chalk board!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Abby gets up and gets grooving- with pop music and writing, no less! I think I could take a tip from her- I wait to get up until I have to, and the rest of the day not one thing gets done beyond the necessities.
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